Posted by Шlэрэнкъо


Political Inquiry;

1 -The "Dual Citizenship" agreement of USC. with R.T: ,
2 -Wihch makes it difficult to return to the Caucasia brought into line with legal regulations,

3 - T.B.M.M. archives to researchers "the unconditional" opening,
4 - Currently, R.T. Registered in the population of Caucasian origin living in the full count,
5 - A new Constitution based on of " Universal Declaration of the Basic Human Rights and Freedoms" ,

Cultural Inquiry;

1 - Circassian Dynasty names "Precious Name" as the return and the return of the names of established settlements,
2- Primary education in the process as "mother tongue education",
3 - Adygeya broadcasting AdygTv, K.B. GTRK broadcasting Republic, Jordan, from TV to broadcast Nart Turksat Satellite system to ensure ease of links to a (if not impossible broadcasting Radio / TV in our mother tongue),


Political Inquiry;
1 - Caucasian origin living in the diaspora states with USC. "Dual Citizenship" agreement,
2 - Wihch make it difficult to return to the Caucassia in the diaspora brought into line with legal regulations,
3 - Caucasian peoples inhabited the land before the start of the Caucasian / Russian war, the real owners of the return of savings,


Cultural Inquiry;

1 - What the origin of the white race "Caucassian" entered all of world literature, but these days do not come to the stage of being all the assistance and support for "Caucasian culture"heritage conservation,

2 - "Caucasian" language family in terms of history, clarification of the most important "source" that the adoption and literacy as a reproduction of the language can be leave for who speakers for all the help and support,

Political Inquiry;

1 - The real owners of the Caucasus for the return of the implementation of the R.F. to the pressure and sanctions,
2 - The Caucasian-Russian wars of thousands of fighters were killed in the end of that last point, done Kbadaa (Krasnaya Polyanna) region, with the need to honor the memory of the Caucasian people protest to 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi,against this evil,

3 - Exile and the Circassian Genocide as the counterparts in the first, and later by the recognition of all the peoples of the world, the geography of the Caucasus countries
4 - Which declared its independence, recognized by all the world states,
5 - All over the world states, implemented all kinds of abolition of the embargoin the Caucasus states.



Wednesday 18 December 2013

Kafkasya'daki aktivist tutuklamalarının ardında Kazakların rolü

Posted by Шlэрэнкъо

Bu olayda Kazakların rolü gözardı edilemez. 

Krasnodar Kazak tahakkümünde.

 Soçi Olimpiyatlarından büyük beklentileri var.

 Olimpiyatlarda "yerli halk" olarak temsilci olacaklar ve Soçi'yi, dolayısıyla tüm 

Kafkasya'yı sahiplenecekler. 

Kafkasya'da buna taş koyan aktivistler var ve bu durum Kazakların hiç 

hoşlarına gitmiyor. 

Moskova'yı devreye sokup, kendilerine engel olan Kanoko'yu istifa ettirdiler. 

Hemen akabinde Balkarların toprak işgali ve Soçi Olimpiyatlaına muhalif 

aktivist tutuklamaları başladı. Yaşadıkları şehirlerde bir güvenlik birimi 

yokmuydu ki yüzlerce kilometre  ötedeki Krasnodar şehrinde sorgulamaya 


Daha da ilerisi Kafkasya'nın demografik yapısını bozma amaçıyla 

Kazakistan'dan  yeni Kazak yerleşimci transfer etme çalışmaları, bir ard niyetin 

varlığını açıkça ortaya koymaktadır.

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